My favorite songs

Friday, 21 March 2014

Somewhere Far Away

I made a mistake when I was at high school. People told me to get good grades so that I could join boarding school but I didn't want to leave home. Most of all I didn't want to leave my mum. But I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice. At least when I'm in college I want to go some place far and learn. I want to travel at times live there too. I want to be independent, alone, happy and mostly stress free. I would be able to see my mum whenever I want. It's not that far anyway. I just don't wanna find anywhere near. I can't do it anymore. Because of him I can't sleep, keep worrying about lots of things and crying all the time. Because of him I'm so stress till my hair fall become worse. Because of him I cried to sleep every time so that I don't have think about it till I eventually start forgetting a lot of stuff! And because of him I'm in so much pain and suffering feels like it's gonna explode, like I'm going crazy and I'm going to lose it! I can't do this anymore! I didn't care much about high school but I do care about college. I have to achieve it no matter what and then support my mum and sis. They all I've got and I'm done seeing them suffer. I have to put a stop to all of this and for that I have to study hard and achieve it. I know I can but I need to keep myself busy so that I wouldn't caught with this drama anymore. I'm done with it and I want to move on with my life. This time I'm gonna fight for what I believe, love and have faith till the end. I'm not giving up and I'm not losing hope. My life is in my hand and only I can make a difference with it.