My favorite songs

Monday, 24 September 2012


I'm not thin. I'm not fat. I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm curvy. Yeah, I do have curves and for the first time when I look in the mirror I feel good about myself, the way I look and even I like how the way my body is. I'm loving myself just the way it is. I don't wanna be thin. I like being curvy. That's the best part of it. You're not like anyone else. You're just you. You love yourself just th
e way it is. So go ahead and call me ugly or fat because I don't care. I don't give a damn about it. All I know is I'm happy the way I am and I'm loving myself just the way it is. End of story. :D

P/S: To all the curvy girls out there, don't try to be thin or lose weight. You look beautiful just the way you are. Accept yourself as it is and live your life. People will talk. I mean that's what they do. Just don't give a damn about it and do what makes you happy .xx ♥

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