My favorite songs

Monday, 31 December 2012


Make as many mistakes as you can and do whatever you wanted to do (good only). You only live once (YOLO) so don't live in regret. Live each day as though there's no tomorrow. Live life to the fullest and cherish every single moment of it. Don't take anything for granted. Life is too short to complain or unsatisfied about anything. Live your life your way the way you wanted it to be not how other people wanted it to be.  While doing all that just remember to be yourself, have fun and stay beautiful ! Lots of love .xx :D

Happy New Year, everyone !! Hope all of you will have an amazing and kick ass 2013 ! ♥ ;)

True Love ! ♥

My four perfect future husbands !! Someday one of them will be mine Forever ! Lots of love .xx ;)

My second family ! ♥

True friends are few and far between. Hold on to them and don't let go ! Lots of love .xx

Sisters ! ♥


My crazy family but I love them anyway cause I'm one of them too !! ♥

Sunday, 30 December 2012

The last day of 2012 !

Today the last day of the year 2012. After the clock hit 12 midnight today, it will be 2013 a new year with a new start so if there's anything else that you left to do or say before the year end, go and do it today. This is your last chance. Start your 2013 with new resolution and a new everything. All the good memories will never be forgotten and for all the bad memories it will be left behind because past is past there's no point bringing it forward ! So today is the day. The last day of 2012 then tomorrow will be a whole new day. Cherish this day because you will never ever get it back ! :D

P/S: 2013, I'm ready for you ! I'm ready for all the good and bad things that gonna happen. Can't wait to experience all of it. ;)

Saturday, 29 December 2012

#1DE3 ♥

I'm a proud Directioner and a proud Emblems ! :D xx

Loving my red flats !!

My British flag tee and Directioner necklace ! 


Just received this bookmark, necklace and charm bracelets from Belle Charme. Thank you ! It’s beautiful. I love it !! xx

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

About me. Wanna know more? Just ask me. ;)

Love to sing. Music is my life. Fell in love with blue color. Watch a lot of movies and believe in one true love, happy endings and fairy tales. Also believe that someday I would at least get married to either Wesley Stromberg, Harry Styles or Jay McGuiness !! I love the word Always and Forever. Felt like it meant something to me. People used to call me crazy but I think that's who I am. Love being myself and will never ever change myself for anyone else. Be yourself, have fun and stay beautiful is my motto. Hopefully I get to inspire at least one person someday. Lots of love .xx :D


OHANA means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten .xx

#Lilo&Stitch ♥

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Monday, 24 December 2012

Seasons !

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone !! Have fun and stay safe. Lots of love .xx :D

Sunday, 23 December 2012

My 3 future husbands !

Showed mum my 3 future husband pictures today that is Wesley Stromberg , Harry Styles and Jay McGuiness and I asked her which one she thinks that I should get married to and she said Jay McGuiness !! Yes people ! Jay McGuiness from The Wanted !! Hahaha ! So I guess I'll be marrying him then in the future ! Can't wait !! Thanks mum. Lots of love .xx ;) ♥

Thursday, 20 December 2012

2012 is not the end of the world !!

I'm still very much alive and breathing ! Just want to be thankful to God for not taking our lives just yet and believe that each one of us have a reason to live. Thank you, God ! ♥ :)


Sometimes I lay under the moon and thank God I'm breathing. Then I pray don't take me soon cause I'm here for a reason.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

#GirlCrush ♥

I'm in love with Holland Roden ! She is so beautiful and amazing !! Everything she wear is gorgeous ! She's my role model ! xx

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Thank you !! ♥

So far it has been an amazing birthday ! Thank you everyone for making this the best birthday ever !! Lots of love .xx

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Nose piercing

Just pierced my nose today and it hurts a lot. Till now I still can feel the pain but in a way I'm glad that I did it ! :D

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Love my London tee !

You can call me Mrs. Harry Styles. Lots of love .xx


I wanna get drunk and make out with English hot good looking guys. ;)