My favorite songs

Sunday, 30 December 2012

The last day of 2012 !

Today the last day of the year 2012. After the clock hit 12 midnight today, it will be 2013 a new year with a new start so if there's anything else that you left to do or say before the year end, go and do it today. This is your last chance. Start your 2013 with new resolution and a new everything. All the good memories will never be forgotten and for all the bad memories it will be left behind because past is past there's no point bringing it forward ! So today is the day. The last day of 2012 then tomorrow will be a whole new day. Cherish this day because you will never ever get it back ! :D

P/S: 2013, I'm ready for you ! I'm ready for all the good and bad things that gonna happen. Can't wait to experience all of it. ;)

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