My favorite songs

Monday, 28 January 2013

In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man, Merlin. ♥


The ending of Merlin – Official !! Can't believe this is the end. Been watching it since season 1 and I'm gonna miss it so badly !! Can't believe that Arthur is dead. Gosh, this is so sad !! Love the bromance and the friendship of Arthur and Merlin. Hate that it has to end this way. In tears watching it. I'm so proud of Merlin. He's my Hero ! I love you, Merlin always and forever !! xx ♥

#Emrys #MerlinFamily #ColinMorgan

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Cakes ! ♥

Cake therapy by Auntie Mags. This is from a story book I read and I love it how that she has a cake for how people feeling. Here are a few.. 

Anticipation - Raspberry Meringue cake.
Calming anxiety - Bakewell tart.
Celebrations - Maple and Walnut pancake stacks.
Clear focus - Blackberry and Apple cake.
Courage - Ginger cake.
Determination - Millionaire 's Shortbread.
Dreams - Fruit bread with real butter.
Energy - Triple-layer Chocolate cake.
Feeling under the weather - Victoria sponge with real strawberries.
First love - White Chocolate and Rose torte.
Hangover cure - Honey and Almond chewy flapjacks.
Happiness - Lemon and Lime Meringue pie.
Honesty - White Chocolate and Elderflower cake.
Hope - Carrot cake.
Making decisions - Coffee and Walnut cake.
Mending a broken heart - Lemon Drizzle cake.
New beginnings - Strawberry and white chocolate cake.
Spontaneity - Fruit cake.
Tiredness - Apple and cinnamon pie.
Uncertainty - St. Clements cake.
Following your heart - Triple Chocolate Marble cake.

So I reckon that you guys should go and find the recipe and try doing it. Who knows maybe it will work ! We will only know if we try it. If it really work, please let me know. Thank you. :) xx #GoodLuck ;)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

I love you, DJ Malik ! xx

Happy Birthday, Zayn !! Hope you have a good one. Lots of love .xx #Zayn20 #VasHappenin #DJMalik ♥

Monday, 7 January 2013

One Direction - Kiss You

This video is the best !! It's amazing, hilarious and PERFECT !! Love it so damn much ! It's on replay !! Love the end where Zayn kisses Harry on the cheek ! Too cute ! ♥ #KissYou

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Me ! (:

Wesley Stromberg, you're so much more to me than you think and thank you for inspiring me to inspire people ! ♥ :)

I'm not perfect. Never have been. Never will be. :)


#Shocked !

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Messages from me to you !

Hope someday I would at least be able to inspire one person ! :D ♥

                                                     To whoever reading this !! xx

Happy Twenty Thirteen ! ♥

#E3Week ♥

Wesley Stromberg, I love you !! xx

This was my expression when I heard Emblem3 's #TeamInspireTakeOver !! 

Emblem3, you inspire me to inspire people ! Thank you. ♥


Thank you, Emblem3 for inspiring me ! You guys are the best !! ♥