Cake therapy by Auntie Mags. This is from a story book I read and I love it how that she has a cake for how people feeling. Here are a few..
Anticipation - Raspberry Meringue cake.
Calming anxiety - Bakewell tart.
Celebrations - Maple and Walnut pancake stacks.
Clear focus - Blackberry and Apple cake.
Courage - Ginger cake.
Determination - Millionaire 's Shortbread.
Dreams - Fruit bread with real butter.
Energy - Triple-layer Chocolate cake.
Feeling under the weather - Victoria sponge with real strawberries.
First love - White Chocolate and Rose torte.
Hangover cure - Honey and Almond chewy flapjacks.
Happiness - Lemon and Lime Meringue pie.
Honesty - White Chocolate and Elderflower cake.
Hope - Carrot cake.
Making decisions - Coffee and Walnut cake.
Mending a broken heart - Lemon Drizzle cake.
New beginnings - Strawberry and white chocolate cake.
Spontaneity - Fruit cake.
Tiredness - Apple and cinnamon pie.
Uncertainty - St. Clements cake.
Following your heart - Triple Chocolate Marble cake.
So I reckon that you guys should go and find the recipe and try doing it. Who knows maybe it will work ! We will only know if we try it. If it really work, please let me know. Thank you. :) xx #GoodLuck ;)
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