My favorite songs

Monday, 26 November 2012

After we died !

Me and Sharvina Lovesbieberneversaynever was talking today in the car while we on the way back home from town and this is what we talked about !

Sharvina : If I die and become a ghost, I wanna stalk people. I 
wanna see what they are doing and how they feel when 
I'm gone !

And my answer was just simple. This is what I said.

Me : If I die, all I would do is watc
h hot and good looking guys
(especially English guys) while they taking their shower. :D

Sharvina : You sinful child !!

Hahaha. My answer do sound stupid and crazy but it's actually an interesting and more fun thing to do at least for me ! ;)

And then I told about this to my mum and she just smiled, looked at me and shook her head. She probably thought that her daughter is into more with English naked guys in shower. Hahaha !! ;)

All I wanna say to all the hot, good looking guys out there, beware guys when you taking your shower cause I'm coming for you and I'll be watching you !! ;)

Friday, 23 November 2012

The battle between 1D and TW !

Anyone can tell what the heck is going on between Zayn, Louis, Max and Tom ?! Are they fighting or are this all a joke ? Why can't they just be friends? I just don't get it. I love both bands but I'm more of a Directioner than The Wanted and right now I just dunno what's going on ! All I wanna know is what really happened between them ! Probably something happened or else why Zayn have to be mad o
n Max ! He's not stupid or insane just to pick fight with him !! All I know is something happened and we have no right to judge either one of them until we know the whole story !! That's all and I'm not saying this because I support 1D more. I'm saying this because I really love both of the band and I hate seeing them fighting and I also hate seeing the fans fighting about it too when they have no idea what happened or whose fault is it !!! xx

My believe (:

I don't believe in luck at all. I'm the girl who believes in faith and karma. I believe whatever happens for a reason and what goes around comes around !

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

My future husband will be one of them ♥

I'm falling in love with more than one guys lately. I just can't help it. They all are too hot and too cute. So damn attractive too. I just can't help it. If all these guys are cute then it's not my fault that I'm falling for them, right?! All I just wanna say is Thank You to their mothers for giving birth to such handsome sons. :D

And to my mum, if you can get me married to at least one of these
 boys, I would love you till the end and you will be definitely the best mum in the world !! ♥

Here are the 3 guys who I hope I would get married to someday (at least to one of them) but hopefully it would be my Harry :

-Harry Styles from One Direction
-Jay McGuiness from The Wanted
-Wesley Stormberg from Emblem 3

My hopes and confidence are up. Hopefully it would come true. *Fingers Crossed. Lots of love .xx

Monday, 19 November 2012

Be the person you are ♥

Why fit in when you're born to stand out?
Why be the same when you're born to be different?
Why be someone else when being yourself is much more better? 

So just stay true to who you are and never ever be sorry for who you are because being the person you are is the best thing ever !

Be yourself, have fun and stay beautiful (my motto). Lots of love .xx

Being you

It's not about being who everyone else wants you to be, it's about being yourself and finding someone who loves every bit of it. :)

My boyfriend soon to be my husband ! ♥

Awww. He's too cute and perfect !! Love this picture of him ! Wish I was there with him now. I would definitely give him a big hug and a kiss because he looks so ADORABLE (as always) !!! Lots of love .xx

Sunday, 18 November 2012

My 1D boyfriends ♥

One Direction songs do make me cry sometimes but most of their songs make me smile like an idiot all the time. Their song makes me feel special, beautiful and wanted. Only they can make me feel that way !! That is why they are way better than any other guys. They are my 5 perfect boyfriends !! Lots of love .xx

Beliebers and Directioners ♥

A Belieber ( Sharvina Lovesbieberneversaynever ) and a Directioner ( me ) living in the same house can be good and bad in the same time ! Sometimes it will just get worst !! We will be fighting over them and defending them in every way and then it will get out of hand but sometimes it will turn out good. We will be talking about them, telling each other about them and also respecting each others c
hoices and likes. If you are going through the same thing in your house then you would understand what i'm trying to say. It can be good and in the same time it can be bad also. Whatever it is we always support each other. We respect each other and I think that's what all the Beliebers and Directioners out there should do. Respect and like each other and stop fighting and comparing who's better because the truth is both of them are amazing in their own way. Even One Direction and Justin Bieber are close friends and I have no idea what and why are we fighting for ?! I just don't get it ! ! xx

To be loved.

I know this sound desperate but for the first time I want to be love by someone. I want to know that someone care for me and they will be there for me no matter what. Sometimes I felt lonely. I felt like invisible and no one knows that I exist. I may not be that famous like my friends and I don't really talk much but I just want to be known by at least one person. I wanna change someone's life. I wanna inspire people who going through the same thing as me. I wanna be able to help them to get through what they are going through because I have gone through it and I know they can get through it too.

-To be continued-

Saturday, 17 November 2012


I'm so in love with Emblem3 especially Wesley Stromberg (the guy in the middle) . You guys are the best !! Lots of love .xx

They Don't Know About Us - One Direction ♥

They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the "I love you"’s
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
They don’t know about the up all nights
They don’t know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right

Baby they don’t know about
They Don’t Know About Us

Change My Mind - One Direction ♥

Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I’m walking towards the door
I’m not sure !

Friday, 16 November 2012

One Direction Cd 's !! ♥

Just bought this One Direction Cd 's today !! The songs of the second album, Take Me Home is just Amazing, Perfect and Breath Taking !!! Love it a lot. So proud of the boys. I'm definitely a Proud Directioner Always and Forever !! xx ♥

The X Factor USA ♥

Watching The X Factor USA. I'm so voting and supporting for Jennel Garcia and Emblem 3 ! They both are the best and amazing !! I'm a biggest fan of both them. Lots of love .xx

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

One Direction new album

Take Me Home is out globally. It is worldwide even in Malaysia. Can't wait to get my hands on one of those and take it home. So excited. :D

Monday, 12 November 2012

The Festival Of Lights ♥

To all the Indians out there, Happy Deepavali. Be Yourself, Have Fun and Stay Beautiful. Make sure take a lot of pictures and eat as much as you can and don't forget about the "Ang Pow's" Lots of love .xx

Friday, 9 November 2012

The best dream ever !

Had an amazing and the best dream ever ! I dream that I met with Harry Styles . He hugged me tightly for a very long time and then kissed me !! He even said some things to me which I think I should keep it to myself. Then I even get to go on a tour with them. Even though it's all a dream but I still felt like everything that I dream was real. Like it really really happen. It's just so crazy and weird at the same time but whatever it is, it's still the best dream I ever had and it's staying that way. Hopefully one day it would come true. *Fingers Crossed ! xx ♥

Friday, 2 November 2012

One Direction - Little Things

This song is amazing when it came out and now when the video is out it's just Perfect. Can't stop smiling like an idiot when I listen to this song. I fell in love even more than before. This proves why One Direction is perfect than any other guy !! Proud Directioner. They are the best and will always be. Lots of love .xx

P/S: My Harold look so damn hot in it. He's definitely my guy Forever !! He's one in a million . ♥