My favorite songs

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Beliebers and Directioners ♥

A Belieber ( Sharvina Lovesbieberneversaynever ) and a Directioner ( me ) living in the same house can be good and bad in the same time ! Sometimes it will just get worst !! We will be fighting over them and defending them in every way and then it will get out of hand but sometimes it will turn out good. We will be talking about them, telling each other about them and also respecting each others c
hoices and likes. If you are going through the same thing in your house then you would understand what i'm trying to say. It can be good and in the same time it can be bad also. Whatever it is we always support each other. We respect each other and I think that's what all the Beliebers and Directioners out there should do. Respect and like each other and stop fighting and comparing who's better because the truth is both of them are amazing in their own way. Even One Direction and Justin Bieber are close friends and I have no idea what and why are we fighting for ?! I just don't get it ! ! xx

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