My favorite songs

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

My future husband will be one of them ♥

I'm falling in love with more than one guys lately. I just can't help it. They all are too hot and too cute. So damn attractive too. I just can't help it. If all these guys are cute then it's not my fault that I'm falling for them, right?! All I just wanna say is Thank You to their mothers for giving birth to such handsome sons. :D

And to my mum, if you can get me married to at least one of these
 boys, I would love you till the end and you will be definitely the best mum in the world !! ♥

Here are the 3 guys who I hope I would get married to someday (at least to one of them) but hopefully it would be my Harry :

-Harry Styles from One Direction
-Jay McGuiness from The Wanted
-Wesley Stormberg from Emblem 3

My hopes and confidence are up. Hopefully it would come true. *Fingers Crossed. Lots of love .xx

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