My favorite songs

Friday, 23 November 2012

The battle between 1D and TW !

Anyone can tell what the heck is going on between Zayn, Louis, Max and Tom ?! Are they fighting or are this all a joke ? Why can't they just be friends? I just don't get it. I love both bands but I'm more of a Directioner than The Wanted and right now I just dunno what's going on ! All I wanna know is what really happened between them ! Probably something happened or else why Zayn have to be mad o
n Max ! He's not stupid or insane just to pick fight with him !! All I know is something happened and we have no right to judge either one of them until we know the whole story !! That's all and I'm not saying this because I support 1D more. I'm saying this because I really love both of the band and I hate seeing them fighting and I also hate seeing the fans fighting about it too when they have no idea what happened or whose fault is it !!! xx

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