My favorite songs

Monday, 31 December 2012


Make as many mistakes as you can and do whatever you wanted to do (good only). You only live once (YOLO) so don't live in regret. Live each day as though there's no tomorrow. Live life to the fullest and cherish every single moment of it. Don't take anything for granted. Life is too short to complain or unsatisfied about anything. Live your life your way the way you wanted it to be not how other people wanted it to be.  While doing all that just remember to be yourself, have fun and stay beautiful ! Lots of love .xx :D

Happy New Year, everyone !! Hope all of you will have an amazing and kick ass 2013 ! ♥ ;)

True Love ! ♥

My four perfect future husbands !! Someday one of them will be mine Forever ! Lots of love .xx ;)

My second family ! ♥

True friends are few and far between. Hold on to them and don't let go ! Lots of love .xx

Sisters ! ♥


My crazy family but I love them anyway cause I'm one of them too !! ♥

Sunday, 30 December 2012

The last day of 2012 !

Today the last day of the year 2012. After the clock hit 12 midnight today, it will be 2013 a new year with a new start so if there's anything else that you left to do or say before the year end, go and do it today. This is your last chance. Start your 2013 with new resolution and a new everything. All the good memories will never be forgotten and for all the bad memories it will be left behind because past is past there's no point bringing it forward ! So today is the day. The last day of 2012 then tomorrow will be a whole new day. Cherish this day because you will never ever get it back ! :D

P/S: 2013, I'm ready for you ! I'm ready for all the good and bad things that gonna happen. Can't wait to experience all of it. ;)

Saturday, 29 December 2012

#1DE3 ♥

I'm a proud Directioner and a proud Emblems ! :D xx

Loving my red flats !!

My British flag tee and Directioner necklace ! 


Just received this bookmark, necklace and charm bracelets from Belle Charme. Thank you ! It’s beautiful. I love it !! xx

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

About me. Wanna know more? Just ask me. ;)

Love to sing. Music is my life. Fell in love with blue color. Watch a lot of movies and believe in one true love, happy endings and fairy tales. Also believe that someday I would at least get married to either Wesley Stromberg, Harry Styles or Jay McGuiness !! I love the word Always and Forever. Felt like it meant something to me. People used to call me crazy but I think that's who I am. Love being myself and will never ever change myself for anyone else. Be yourself, have fun and stay beautiful is my motto. Hopefully I get to inspire at least one person someday. Lots of love .xx :D


OHANA means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten .xx

#Lilo&Stitch ♥

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Monday, 24 December 2012

Seasons !

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone !! Have fun and stay safe. Lots of love .xx :D

Sunday, 23 December 2012

My 3 future husbands !

Showed mum my 3 future husband pictures today that is Wesley Stromberg , Harry Styles and Jay McGuiness and I asked her which one she thinks that I should get married to and she said Jay McGuiness !! Yes people ! Jay McGuiness from The Wanted !! Hahaha ! So I guess I'll be marrying him then in the future ! Can't wait !! Thanks mum. Lots of love .xx ;) ♥

Thursday, 20 December 2012

2012 is not the end of the world !!

I'm still very much alive and breathing ! Just want to be thankful to God for not taking our lives just yet and believe that each one of us have a reason to live. Thank you, God ! ♥ :)


Sometimes I lay under the moon and thank God I'm breathing. Then I pray don't take me soon cause I'm here for a reason.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

#GirlCrush ♥

I'm in love with Holland Roden ! She is so beautiful and amazing !! Everything she wear is gorgeous ! She's my role model ! xx

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Thank you !! ♥

So far it has been an amazing birthday ! Thank you everyone for making this the best birthday ever !! Lots of love .xx

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Nose piercing

Just pierced my nose today and it hurts a lot. Till now I still can feel the pain but in a way I'm glad that I did it ! :D

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Love my London tee !

You can call me Mrs. Harry Styles. Lots of love .xx


I wanna get drunk and make out with English hot good looking guys. ;)

Monday, 26 November 2012

After we died !

Me and Sharvina Lovesbieberneversaynever was talking today in the car while we on the way back home from town and this is what we talked about !

Sharvina : If I die and become a ghost, I wanna stalk people. I 
wanna see what they are doing and how they feel when 
I'm gone !

And my answer was just simple. This is what I said.

Me : If I die, all I would do is watc
h hot and good looking guys
(especially English guys) while they taking their shower. :D

Sharvina : You sinful child !!

Hahaha. My answer do sound stupid and crazy but it's actually an interesting and more fun thing to do at least for me ! ;)

And then I told about this to my mum and she just smiled, looked at me and shook her head. She probably thought that her daughter is into more with English naked guys in shower. Hahaha !! ;)

All I wanna say to all the hot, good looking guys out there, beware guys when you taking your shower cause I'm coming for you and I'll be watching you !! ;)

Friday, 23 November 2012

The battle between 1D and TW !

Anyone can tell what the heck is going on between Zayn, Louis, Max and Tom ?! Are they fighting or are this all a joke ? Why can't they just be friends? I just don't get it. I love both bands but I'm more of a Directioner than The Wanted and right now I just dunno what's going on ! All I wanna know is what really happened between them ! Probably something happened or else why Zayn have to be mad o
n Max ! He's not stupid or insane just to pick fight with him !! All I know is something happened and we have no right to judge either one of them until we know the whole story !! That's all and I'm not saying this because I support 1D more. I'm saying this because I really love both of the band and I hate seeing them fighting and I also hate seeing the fans fighting about it too when they have no idea what happened or whose fault is it !!! xx

My believe (:

I don't believe in luck at all. I'm the girl who believes in faith and karma. I believe whatever happens for a reason and what goes around comes around !

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

My future husband will be one of them ♥

I'm falling in love with more than one guys lately. I just can't help it. They all are too hot and too cute. So damn attractive too. I just can't help it. If all these guys are cute then it's not my fault that I'm falling for them, right?! All I just wanna say is Thank You to their mothers for giving birth to such handsome sons. :D

And to my mum, if you can get me married to at least one of these
 boys, I would love you till the end and you will be definitely the best mum in the world !! ♥

Here are the 3 guys who I hope I would get married to someday (at least to one of them) but hopefully it would be my Harry :

-Harry Styles from One Direction
-Jay McGuiness from The Wanted
-Wesley Stormberg from Emblem 3

My hopes and confidence are up. Hopefully it would come true. *Fingers Crossed. Lots of love .xx

Monday, 19 November 2012

Be the person you are ♥

Why fit in when you're born to stand out?
Why be the same when you're born to be different?
Why be someone else when being yourself is much more better? 

So just stay true to who you are and never ever be sorry for who you are because being the person you are is the best thing ever !

Be yourself, have fun and stay beautiful (my motto). Lots of love .xx

Being you

It's not about being who everyone else wants you to be, it's about being yourself and finding someone who loves every bit of it. :)

My boyfriend soon to be my husband ! ♥

Awww. He's too cute and perfect !! Love this picture of him ! Wish I was there with him now. I would definitely give him a big hug and a kiss because he looks so ADORABLE (as always) !!! Lots of love .xx

Sunday, 18 November 2012

My 1D boyfriends ♥

One Direction songs do make me cry sometimes but most of their songs make me smile like an idiot all the time. Their song makes me feel special, beautiful and wanted. Only they can make me feel that way !! That is why they are way better than any other guys. They are my 5 perfect boyfriends !! Lots of love .xx

Beliebers and Directioners ♥

A Belieber ( Sharvina Lovesbieberneversaynever ) and a Directioner ( me ) living in the same house can be good and bad in the same time ! Sometimes it will just get worst !! We will be fighting over them and defending them in every way and then it will get out of hand but sometimes it will turn out good. We will be talking about them, telling each other about them and also respecting each others c
hoices and likes. If you are going through the same thing in your house then you would understand what i'm trying to say. It can be good and in the same time it can be bad also. Whatever it is we always support each other. We respect each other and I think that's what all the Beliebers and Directioners out there should do. Respect and like each other and stop fighting and comparing who's better because the truth is both of them are amazing in their own way. Even One Direction and Justin Bieber are close friends and I have no idea what and why are we fighting for ?! I just don't get it ! ! xx

To be loved.

I know this sound desperate but for the first time I want to be love by someone. I want to know that someone care for me and they will be there for me no matter what. Sometimes I felt lonely. I felt like invisible and no one knows that I exist. I may not be that famous like my friends and I don't really talk much but I just want to be known by at least one person. I wanna change someone's life. I wanna inspire people who going through the same thing as me. I wanna be able to help them to get through what they are going through because I have gone through it and I know they can get through it too.

-To be continued-

Saturday, 17 November 2012


I'm so in love with Emblem3 especially Wesley Stromberg (the guy in the middle) . You guys are the best !! Lots of love .xx

They Don't Know About Us - One Direction ♥

They don’t know about the things we do
They don’t know about the "I love you"’s
But I bet you if they only knew
They would just be jealous of us,
They don’t know about the up all nights
They don’t know I've waited all my life
Just to find a love that feels this right

Baby they don’t know about
They Don’t Know About Us

Change My Mind - One Direction ♥

Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I’m walking towards the door
I’m not sure !

Friday, 16 November 2012

One Direction Cd 's !! ♥

Just bought this One Direction Cd 's today !! The songs of the second album, Take Me Home is just Amazing, Perfect and Breath Taking !!! Love it a lot. So proud of the boys. I'm definitely a Proud Directioner Always and Forever !! xx ♥

The X Factor USA ♥

Watching The X Factor USA. I'm so voting and supporting for Jennel Garcia and Emblem 3 ! They both are the best and amazing !! I'm a biggest fan of both them. Lots of love .xx

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

One Direction new album

Take Me Home is out globally. It is worldwide even in Malaysia. Can't wait to get my hands on one of those and take it home. So excited. :D

Monday, 12 November 2012

The Festival Of Lights ♥

To all the Indians out there, Happy Deepavali. Be Yourself, Have Fun and Stay Beautiful. Make sure take a lot of pictures and eat as much as you can and don't forget about the "Ang Pow's" Lots of love .xx

Friday, 9 November 2012

The best dream ever !

Had an amazing and the best dream ever ! I dream that I met with Harry Styles . He hugged me tightly for a very long time and then kissed me !! He even said some things to me which I think I should keep it to myself. Then I even get to go on a tour with them. Even though it's all a dream but I still felt like everything that I dream was real. Like it really really happen. It's just so crazy and weird at the same time but whatever it is, it's still the best dream I ever had and it's staying that way. Hopefully one day it would come true. *Fingers Crossed ! xx ♥

Friday, 2 November 2012

One Direction - Little Things

This song is amazing when it came out and now when the video is out it's just Perfect. Can't stop smiling like an idiot when I listen to this song. I fell in love even more than before. This proves why One Direction is perfect than any other guy !! Proud Directioner. They are the best and will always be. Lots of love .xx

P/S: My Harold look so damn hot in it. He's definitely my guy Forever !! He's one in a million . ♥

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Scary or Not, Happy Halloween. :D

My one true love

The only guy who will tell this to a girl and mean it. That's my Harry Styles ! This what makes him perfect and different then any other guy and I'm proud to say that he's Mine Forever !! Lots of love .xx 

" I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape 
You never want to know how much you weigh 
You still have to squeeze into your jeans 
But you're perfect to me " ♥

Monday, 29 October 2012

One Direction - Little Things ♥

Your hand fits in mine
Like it’s made just for me
But bear this in mind
it was meant to be
And i’m joining up the dots
with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me

I know you’ve never loved
The crinkles by your eyes
when you smile,
You’ve never loved
your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back
at the bottom of your spine
But i’ll love them endlessly

I won’t let these little things
slip out of my mouth
but if i do
it’s you
oh it’s you
they add up to
i’m in love with you
and all these little things

You cant go to bed
without a cup of tea
And maybe that’s the reason
That you talk in your sleep
And all those conversation
Are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me

I know you’ve never loved the sound of your voice tape
You know want to know how much weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you’re perfect to me

I won’t let these little things
slip out of my mouth
but if it’s true
it’s you
oh it’s you
they add up to
i’m in love with you
and all these little things

You’ll never love yourself
Half as much as I love you
You’ll never treat yourself right darlin’
But i want you to
If i let you know
i’m here for you
Maybe you’ll love yourself like i love you

I’ve just let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
Because it’s you
Oh it’s you
It’s you
They add up to
And i’m in love you with you
And all these little things

I won’t let these little things
slip out of my mouth
but if it’s true
it’s you
it’s you
they add up to
i’m in love with you
and all your little things

One Direction - Little Things ♥

No boys ever made me feel that way. You boys made me feel so special, beautiful and wanted. It's the best feeling ever. Thank you. Thank you for everything. You boys really made my day. Thank you for this Amazing, Beautiful and Perfect song. Will support you boys till the end. It's a promise. Directioner Always and Forever. Lots of love .xx

One Direction - Little Things (Lyric Video)

Fell in love with the song. It's Amazing and also it's the best song ever. So proud of you boys. Feel so in love when listening to it. It feels like it's meant for me. Love it !! xx

Friday, 26 October 2012

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The end of Harry Potter

Just finish watching Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows part 2 . Watching it since the very first one till the very last one. It's just AMAZING! Love all of it! I dunno why but I love to see Harry Potter and Hermoine Granger together. They actually look so cute together . Cried while watching Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows part 2. It is so sad to see that Harry is ready to die but he didn'
t, of course. Love the ending of Harry Potter. He will win in the end. It's also kinda sad that the movie series ends here. I have been watching it from the first one to the seventh one that is the last one. I'm so gonna miss it badly. Harry Potter is definitely the best movie series ever and it will last Forever in all of our hearts definitely mine !! ♥

Daniel Radclife a.k.a Harry Potter is hot and so is Tom Felton a.k.a Draco Malfoy . Fell in love with both of them ! :D

Friday, 19 October 2012

Think Pink Love Life ♥

October is the month for Breast Cancer Awareness. I'm a huge supporter and really really would wanna help and just support it. It is a huge thing for me. Just supporting it will make a big difference in my life. I would do , buy or even join anything that have to do with Breast Cancer. Even though I'm not diagnose with Breast Cancer but it is a huge deal for me and I have no idea why. In the near future, I wanna help women who have been diagnose with Breast Cancer. I wanna help to make a difference. October is all about pink so I would like all of you guys to support it especially the ladies. It would definitely make a huge difference on all of us. "Think Pink Love Life" . ♥

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

JB is back !!!

The Jonas Brothers are back and they are better then ever !! Can't wait to hear their new music. So excited. #JBisback ♥

Monday, 15 October 2012

Who you are. ♥

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are! 
There's nothing wrong with who you are!

Clouds ♥

Took this picture today while in the car. Just love seeing the clouds. It's just beautiful. Love it !!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

At Graduation in my dress and green nail lacquer. ♥

Graduation 2012. ♥

Today's graduation was so much fun. I definitely had the time of my life. I finally graduate from high school. It was an amazing and memorable day. Everyone look so pretty today. Fell in love with Peii Jing 's dress , Alethia 's performance and Idzzty 's heels but most of all, all of them especially 5 Nilam girls look absolutely beautiful. I'm so proud of them and how far they have come. Hopefully all of us could get good grades for SPM. I also had so much fun with Michlyn , Alea and Rasyidah at the table where we sat at the Hotel. It was definitely one of my best day ever. I'm glad and grateful to attend it and have a wonderful day with all of them especially with all my friends. Love it !! We all finally graduate from high school and the next and final stop of our school years is SPM. Let's make use of that and cherish every single memory of our last school years. Let's make it a memorable one and oh, Good Luck you guys for SPM and also in life. Friend Forever. Lots of love .xx

P/S: Our class teacher, Pn. Rafia'ah also look so beautiful today in blue. She's the best class teacher I ever had and someone who I will never ever forget at all. Love her so much. Hopefully we make her proud. ♥

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Lately I'm so in love with all type of colors. ♥

A day at Michlyn 's house.

Had so much fun today at Michlyn's house with Alea, Renee and Rasyidah . We try out our graduation dress, ate some of Michlyn's delicious cupcakes, play the piano, watch television, listen to songs, try on different color of nail polish, took a lot of picture, talk and laugh a lot and basically just having a wonderful and amazing time. It was so much fun and I would definitely do it again. Thanks Michlyn for the cupcakes, for having us in your house and for everything. Thanks to Alea for bringing us there. Today was a memorable day. Love it .xx ♥

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Singer. ♥

I love singing. Being a singer have always been my dream. It's a part of me and my life. When the time comes, I'll shine too like everyone else. Till then i'll wait for that moment no matter how long it takes. I have hopes that I will achieve it one day. :)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

British accent are sexy

Would really really love to speak in British accent. ♥

Follow me on twitter .xx

Follow me on twitter .xx

Feel free to add me on Facebook .xx

Add me on Facebook .xx

Something 1D

Bought this One Direction stickers and key chains today .xx ♥

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Curly hair guys !

I'm into curly hair guys. I find them very attractive like Harry Styles from One Direction and Jay McGuiness from The Wanted. Hot and cute in the same time !! ♥

It's raining here and I absolutely love the smell of rain !!

Thursday, 27 September 2012


I love the word Forever cause for me the word Forever holds a lot of meaning and that is why I'm gonna a tattoo of it soon on my wrist. :)


Something about the color blue makes me attract to it. I dunno what but lately I'm so in love with the color. Most of my things in blue too. ♥


Names that we kept for each other :

Master Pretty Jing (M.P.J) for Phui Chin

Alea The Orange (A.T.O) for Alea

The One And Only Darshini (T.O.A.O.D) / (T.O.D) for Me

It's crazy but I love it. Friends Forever .xx ♥


After SPM me, Umie and Alea plan to go for a vacation. Maybe we can go to the countryside and enjoy the nature because the nature at countryside way beautiful then the one at city. It probably would be fun and we can also get some time for ourselves. :D

P/S: Don't worry Umie, we will see the sunset and sunrise together. I promise. ♥

Jonas Brothers

OMG !! Holy shit ! Jonas Brothers are coming to Malaysia on the 24th October 2012. This is confirmed by them. They gonna perform at Kuala Lumpur. I can't believe it. They are finally here. So gonna go watch them perform live. Can't wait. I'm so excited. xx ♥

JLS - Take A Chance On Me

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Love, Wedding and Marriage.

Just finish watching Love, Wedding and Marriage. The movie is amazing, funny and romantic. It's definitely my favorite. Love it. Oh and Kellan Lutz look so hot in the movie. Mandy Moore is gorgeous too. ♥

Monday, 24 September 2012


I'm not thin. I'm not fat. I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm curvy. Yeah, I do have curves and for the first time when I look in the mirror I feel good about myself, the way I look and even I like how the way my body is. I'm loving myself just the way it is. I don't wanna be thin. I like being curvy. That's the best part of it. You're not like anyone else. You're just you. You love yourself just th
e way it is. So go ahead and call me ugly or fat because I don't care. I don't give a damn about it. All I know is I'm happy the way I am and I'm loving myself just the way it is. End of story. :D

P/S: To all the curvy girls out there, don't try to be thin or lose weight. You look beautiful just the way you are. Accept yourself as it is and live your life. People will talk. I mean that's what they do. Just don't give a damn about it and do what makes you happy .xx ♥

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Boy bands.

The Jonas Brothers are back with their new album and also the tour !! Word is they are coming to Malaysia. So excited and can't wait to meet them and also watch them perform live. I'm a big supporter of the Jonas Brothers and also One Direction. With all the come back of the boy bands it gonna be huge. It's like the battle of the boy bands. This is definitely the year of boy bands .xx ♥


I know we only met but let's pretend it's love .xx


I wanna live while we're young. ♥

Friday, 21 September 2012

LWWY - One Direction

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some
And live while we're young . ♥

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Ichthyophobia is the fear of fish and I have that. I have always been scared of fish. Can't see them in the water. It gives me the creeps. It sounds weird but that's the truth.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Jonas Brothers

Happy Birthday, Nick Jonas. Hope you have a good one. Lots of love. xx

Friday, 7 September 2012

So true.

Kevin Hart said that It's okay to make mistakes. :)


We have an amazing life ahead of us so just live it like we own it and don't give a dam what people say about you cause we know about our own self better that anyone else. Haters will always be there to bring you down but don't give a shit about it and just live your life the way you wanted with no regrets cause You Only Live Once (YOLO). :)


5 things make me so happy today and also made my day.

1. One Direction at MTV VMA's.
2. They won all 3 awards including Best Pop Video, Best New Artist 
and also Most Share-Worthy video.
3. Their performance of One Thing.
4. Harry wiped his lips after Katy Perry kiss him.
5. Harry Styles look so hot and perfect.

It was epic. So epic and breath taking. It definitely made my day. We Directi
oners are the best and also very lucky to be a Directioner. We didn't give up hope on them and so did they. They are the best thing that could ever happen to us. To me. This is overwhelming and amazing ! Definitely will be a Directioner Always and Forever. I love you guys so so much. xx #ProudDirectioner. ♥

P/S: Harry Styles, I love you and hope you will be mine someday. Till then I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes. You will always be mine and no one can change that. xx ♥

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Going to bed early. Feeling angry and too depressed. Sleep is the only thing I need right now. Hope tomorrow will be a better day. 


Pretend I'm okay with it all
Act like there's nothing wrong !!

Hurt !

Is it over yet?
Can I open my eyes?
Is this as hard as it gets?
Is this what it feels like to really cry?


Angry at some BITCHES who made Zayn deleted his twitter account. You Fucking Asshole BITCHES !! Get A Life !! Even now One Direction are better than you and that's the truth ! Deal with it ! No one is perfect and no one deserved to be judge including them ! You guys are so immature !! You either support them or ignore them but you have no right to judge them or even mock them in any other way ! Please stop doing that and GROW UP already !!

-Directioner Always and Forever- ♥

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Just came back from a birthday party at Pizza. Had a blast. :)

Monday, 30 July 2012

Harry Styles, will you be mine FOREVER and always? xx. ♥

Clifford and Snowie.

My dogs just left us today. It's depressing and sad to watch them go. It really is. I'm gonna miss them a lot. I didn't know how much I loved them till now. Hope whoever had them, take care of them well and with lots of love. :'(

In Love.

Feeling crazily and stupidly in love with Harry Styles. xx. ♥

Crazy in Love.

In my room, lying on my bed, lights off, hair down, listening to One Direction songs and falling for Harry Styles all over again. ♥

Harry Styles, will you go to the prom with me? xx. ♥

Saturday, 28 July 2012


I just find out the name for my phobia and that is Ichthyophobia which is the fear of fish.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

An Amazing Time.

Had an amazing time with the girls today. Just went out for lunch and had a nice long chat. It was so much fun and hope to do it again soon. ♥

Monday, 9 July 2012

tweet me. ♥

follow me. ♥

Thursday, 5 July 2012


I rather don't have friends than having fake friends.

Katy Perry.

I fell in love with Katy Perry's new hair. Its purple and beautiful.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


I'm only me when I'm with you ! <3
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you ! <3

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

pumped up!

listening to 1D songs while doing ma moral assignment!

Sunday, 3 June 2012


One Band!
One Dream!
One Direction!

Love ya!

If you'd ask me for my heart, there's no way that I'll say no! 

Will you be my man?

You seem quite shy, but you’re oh so cute
And I’m the kind of girl that would love to be yours if you asked me to
So just take a chance, try to hold my hand
I swear I’d never let go
Just let me know if you’d be my man ! ♥

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Friday, 1 June 2012

follow me at twitter!

follow me!

add me! :)

follow me! :)!/DarrenHarry

follow me!

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Thursday, 31 May 2012

I Love You!

Love at first sight never thought it could happen to me
But you made me believe ! 

Harry Styles!

you kidnap ma heart!

feeling pumped up!

cleaning ma room right now cause it looked messed up while listening to One Direction songs!

what we want to be!

when we were 5, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up,
our answer were things like astrounat, president or in ma case, a princess!

when we were 10, they asked again,
we answered rock star, cowboy or in ma case, a gold medalist!

but now that we have grown up, they want a serious answer!
well how about this?
who the hell knows?
this isn't the time to make hard & fast decisions!
this is the time to make mistakes!
take the wrong train & get stuck somewhere!
fall in love alot!
major in philosophy, cause there's no way to make a career out of that!
change your mind & change it again because nothing's permanent!

so make as many mistakes as you can
that way, someday, when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess, we'll know! :D


One Direction changed ma life!


I am a directioner and i'm so freaking proud of it!

crazy in love!

i'm so freaking crazy in love with Harry Styles!

One True Love Forever!

ma Husband Harry Styles and me!


awww! why does he have to be so freaking cute?

Piranha 3DD

went and watched piranha 3DD today with ma sister and cousins! the movie was stupid and scary! no story line also and its so blueee! hahaha!